The company VVN understands the customer’s need to arrange offices, archives and libraries as rationally as possible, therefore offers mobile shelving systems. It is an ideal solution for archiving and storing documents, in addition, the wide range of assembly and assembly options ensure the installation of shelves even in rooms with an open area, thus fully guaranteeing the most optimal arrangement, which would not be possible with standard for (stationary) shelves.

4 shelf system modifications are available: open type shelves, shelves with sliding/sliding doors, with shutter type doors and with closed compartments.


A wide range of equipment and the possibility of connecting individual elements ensure maximum use of even the smallest free space.

Accessories: frame drawers, pull-out shelves, document supports contribute to work efficiency and flexibility of the mobile shelving system.


We create our offer according to each customer’s individual request. We develop a layout plan for an archive, warehouse or office with bookshelves at no additional cost, providing the most cost-effective solutions. Together we will create an optimal solution for efficient use of any space.


We offer several solutions adapted to different needs, ensuring functionality, efficiency, dynamics and a cozy atmosphere.

It is possible to change the height of the shelves and the width of the shelves according to the needs of the customers.

Retractable frame drawer - provides easy access to documents. Retractable shelf – provides functionality and a wide range of applications. Document support – document storage becomes convenient and tidy. Crank mechanism with lockout Crank mechanism with lock with lock - additional security The solid frame support guarantees stability and durability Solid crank mechanism - large transmission, easy to move
Adjustable shelves – guarantees shelf flexibility Strengthenšs šcross bar - ensures stability and rigidity of shelves Frame with card holder - allows you to organize documents properly Track monitoring Security Threshold Grid panel system - drošai painting is storedšanai Wardrobe shelves - a wide range of applications

Mobile shelving systems specification


2019 mm

2394 mm

2769 mm

Shelf width 1000 mm 750 mm
Shelf depth 250 mm 300 mm 350 mm 370 mm
Number of shelves per unit 5, 6 or 7 shelves + 1 upper shelf that also serves as a dust cover
Distance between shelves 350 mm
Shelves adjustment distance Every 25 mm
Shelf load capacity 40 kg 80 kg – (available upon request)
Movešana Hands with crank mechanism

Additional equipment
Shelves partitions;
Full and frame drawers for file storage (only for 370 mm deep shelf);
Retractable shelves;
Mesh panel system;
Wardrobe shelves

1. Track construction

The rails are made of galvanized steel bars (2 x 70 mm) and (10 x 20 mm). The two elements are welded together. The height of the rails is 12mm. The rails are bolted to the floor with expansion screws 8 x 60 mm with a conical flange. The rail ends have a mechanical stop that prevents the shelves from sliding off the rail.

Number of chains:

  • up to 3000 mm long shelves – 2 rails (2 furthest with anti-tilt system),
  • up to 5000 mm long shelves – 3 rails (2 extreme with anti-tilt system),
  • up to 7000 mm long shelves – 4 rails (2 extreme with anti-tilt system).

2. Shelves šasias

The 100 mm high axle (frame) is made of closed steel profiles and curved elements made of powder-coated steel sheet. There are spindles in the frame. On the shaft there are cast iron wheels with one side edge. As standard, all wheels are equipped with ball bearings, which improves the quality of use.

The frame has distance buffers that protect the hands.

3. Construction of the shelf body

The body of the shelves – front and side walls – are made of powder-coated steel sheets. The walls are attached to the frame (šaxis) with screws. They are perforated every 25 mm. In addition, to ensure greater structural rigidity, transverse bracing is used.

4. Shelves construction

The shelf is made of powder-coated steel. There are two types of shelves: a closed shelf and a shelf with a 22 mm high limit that prevents documents from moving to the shelf next to it. The shelf is 24 mm thick.

5. Construction of the drive mechanism

Used type of drive – mechanical, supported by a three handle crank system made of plastic with three rotating cranks. The chain drive is equipped with a drive component. Gear from 1 to 6.8. The shelves move when a slight force is applied. A lockout is available for the crank axis.

6. Construction of decorative panels

The front panels (completely) cover the drive mechanism. A 70 mm thick curved cover increases the aesthetics of the shelves. The panels are equipped with labels where it is possible to describe the contents of the shelves. The decoration panel is light gray (RAL 7035), but it is possible to paint it in any color from our RAL color palette.

7. Floor requirements

The difference in level should not be more than 10 mm per 5 meters in the perpendicular direction to the movement of the shelves and 5 mm per 4 meters. In case of larger variations, it is necessary to level the floor.

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