The role of integrated pallet racking systems in modern logistics and trade infrastructure

Integrēto palešu plauktu sistēmu loma mūsdienu loģistikas un tirdzniecības infrastruktūrā

Integrated pallet racking systems have become an integral element of the organization of modern warehouses and retail spaces, allowing for the effective combination of inventory storage with the placement of goods in sales areas. This study focuses on the solutions offered by VVN, in particular the NX and NR systems, analyzing their structure, technical parameters and application advantages. By studying perforated profiles, load capacities and integration methods, the possibility of obtaining a load capacity of up to 14,000 kg in one section is revealed, while ensuring a visually attractive display of goods.

Synergy of storage and sales areas

The NX system is based on the integration of two functionally different zones – storage and sales – into one space. The storage area is made of steel profiles with perforations every 50 mm, connected by diagonal and horizontal fasteners, forming a modular grid structure. This solution allows for the installation of shelves up to 6 m high, while more traditional store shelves with a depth of 600–1500 mm can be used in the sales area.

The design innovation lies in the internal frame integration technology that distinguishes the NX Mini (55×40 mm profiles) and NX HD (70×80 mm profiles) versions. The first is designed for lighter loads with a maximum load of up to 7,000 kg, the second for heavier operations with a load capacity of up to 14,000 kg. This differentiated approach allows companies to choose the optimal configuration according to the physical parameters of the goods.

Material technologies and safety standards

All VVN systems are made of high-quality steel with a special anti-corrosion treatment, which guarantees a long service life even in aggressive environments89. The structures comply with the TUV Reihland GS standard, which regulates not only mechanical strength, but also ergonomic parameters. Over the past year, the company has implemented a modernization of the column system, replacing the traditional perforated front parts with solid load-bearing columns, improving both aesthetics and structural stability.

Technical parameters and operational capabilities

Adaptability of dimensions and loads

The main advantage of the NX system is its adaptability. The depth of the shelves varies from 600 mm to 1500 mm, allowing you to optimize the use of space for both pallets and the layout of retail goods. Height parameters reach 6 m, while special adapters and double-sided brackets allow you to create multi-level structures.

Data analysis shows that a properly configured NX HD system is able to store up to 28 standard EUR pallets in one section, providing direct access to each item of stock. This indicator exceeds the capacity of traditional racking systems by 40%, reducing the need for additional warehouse space.

Integration methodologies

The system offers two main types of integration:

Direct internal frame connection, which ensures maximum load-bearing capacity and structural integrity

Indirect integration with adapters, which allows for quick reconfiguration of the system as the company’s needs change.

Special attention is paid to the assembly process – the modular design allows for a reduction in installation time of up to 30% compared to traditional systems39. In practice, this means that a medium-sized warehouse configuration can be fully installed in 2-3 working days.

Economic and operational effects

Space optimization potential

Studies show that the implementation of NX systems in a medium-sized retail company can increase storage capacity by 60%, while reducing the time for moving goods from the warehouse to the sales area by 75%. This effect is achieved by using the principle of vertical zoning, where the heaviest inventory is placed on the upper levels, and goods intended for sale – on the more accessible lower levels.

Long-term maintenance cost analysis

Compared to traditional systems, NX structures have 25% lower annual maintenance costs, thanks to corrosion-resistant materials and a modular structure that allows replacing individual elements without dismantling the entire system. In particular, the service life of profile elements exceeds 15 years, and the grid cover – 10 years.

Conclusions and practical recommendations

The implementation of integrated pallet racking systems leads to significant efficiency improvements in both the logistics and retail segments. The main selection criteria for companies are:

  • Required load capacity (NX Mini vs NX HD)
  • Possibility of vertical zoning of the room
  • Type of integration with existing systems
  • Long-term maintenance cost forecasts

Based on the solutions offered by VVN, the optimal configuration for a medium-turnover company involves using the NX HD system on the lower levels for heavy loads and the NX Mini version on the upper levels for lighter goods. In the future, the integration of digital technologies will play a significant role, transforming shelving systems into intelligent information hubs in supply chains.

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